Robert Dominko is research professor at the National Institue of Chemistry and associate professor at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
His research interests are in the field of materials science and electrochemistry, more precisely in electrochemical systems for energy conversion and storage, with main activities in the field of modern battery systems. He was a coordinator of two European projects developing Li-S batteries, and he has tide connections with different industry. He received several awarded, e.g. the Honda initiation grant (2013) and is a member of Slovenian Academy of Engineering. He is a deputy director of Alistore ERI (http://alistore.eu/) and core member of Battery 2030+ initiative (https://battery2030.eu/).
Robert Dominko has published more than 120 peer-reviewed papers (H-index 50 SCOPUS 06/2020).
NIC – Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko
National Institute of Chemistry
Laboratory for Materials Electrochemistry
Hajdrihova 19
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386(1)4760362
Fax: +386(1)4760300
Email: Robert.dominko@ki.si
www: https://www.ki.si/en/departments/d10-department-of-materials-chemistry/modern-battery-systems/